What You Should Do When You Feel Like Adulting Is Hard

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what to do when Adulting Is Hard

November 7, 2022

Adulting has been a widespread topic all over the globe since, obviously, we all grow up and experience the hardships of shifting from teenage years to adult years. We tend to think that adulting is hard because we are afraid of the responsibilities that come with the term itself, most especially when it is more than just household chores and paying bills.

But there are some factors why you gain a stressful life whenever you think that adulting is hard. First, you are probably not paying enough attention to adult stuff — like establishing healthy relationships with other adults. It is essential to learn from others, specifically your parents, the tactics you can use to deal with stressful life. You should also have a direct vision of what you want your future to look like. Do you want it to be as peaceful as possible? Do you want to welcome more people in your life because you find noise somewhat exciting? You know, growing healthy and healthy aging is a package that you need to get at the same time to finally get over your stressful life. But in order to accumulate the right moments, you should arrive at the things you really want to do.

In addition, ignorance and inexperience can also cause you to find adulting a hard thing to face. One must learn everything and be curious about everything. When you feel like you are losing everything, you can search for the things you should do to make your adulthood stage worthwhile. By setting up something like those, you are also shaping a stronger and more durable foundation and future for yourself.

If you want to avoid headaches and hassles to prevent worsening or getting a stressful life, we just got three pieces of advice for you that you can do in order to cope with every struggle you will face whenever you find that adulting is hard.

  1. Learn How To Save
  2. Take Responsibility
  3. Ask For Guides and Advice

Learn How To Save

what to do when Adulting Is Hard

Having a stressful life is sometimes rooted in the way we handle our financials. It is a sad thought, but that is what most adults are dealing with right now. It is worse when they have stable work, but in the end, they always question where their earnings go. Most of the time, their earnings only stay in their bank accounts for a few days then after that, they are all left with cents and with questions about where did they bring that money or where did they spend it all.

Most especially during holidays, we tend to lose our plans for healthy aging because we are too stressed to track how much money we have spent on ourselves and how much we put away. We always find ourselves getting out of control that, at the end of the day, we gain nothing but fear about budgeting once again. Though this somehow made you feel like adulting is hard, there is a way that you can follow to finally learn how to save and invest in order to get away with stressful life.

First of all, you need to have a journal or something that can show you your total income so you can avoid spending more than what you can earn. Budgeting is part of healthy aging since it trains your mind to do practical budgeting skills. However, sometimes, this can be crucial since it can really give you a money headache as time goes by. To resolve this, you should have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tracking of your finances and compare whether you are following the path or not.

There is what they called a 50/30/20 rule, where 50 percent of your income should be reserved for your needs, 30 percent is for your wants, and the remaining 20 percent is for your savings.

With these kinds of budgeting rules, you are finally growing healthy since everything is not about how much you earn anymore but how you manage it. But aside from savings, you should also have an emergency pot that you can easily take if you lose your job, get sick, or if an emergency happened. By doing so, you are not only preventing stressful life from occurring, but you are also protecting your finances from such unforeseen events.

Insurance is also “in” these days since this can serve as your life and health insurance coverage at the same time. That way, you will also be gifting yourself peace of mind.

Another way to save money is to examine whether you are responsible for buying and paying for your food. The truth about eating out is that it is never cheap. Aside from risking your savings, you are also opening up to the risks of serious health diseases like obesity and type 2 diabetes. So instead of spending your money on lunch and snacks, you may opt to bring your own food. In the end, you will surely be surprised by how much you have saved by doing it. Though eating out once in a while is okay, choosing to follow healthy aging tips is still the best option that can benefit your finances, too.

Take Responsibility

what to do when Adulting Is Hard

People always find their stressful life tiring when they do not know what their responsibilities are, or maybe they do, but they choose to shrug off their supposed tasks. Adulting is hard, but when you learn how responsible adulthood should be, then you can finally continue growing healthy to alleviate your stressful life.

Ready or not, adulting always occurs once we are done with the teenage years. Reaching this point is both a reward and a challenge as growing healthy also means an increase in responsibilities. You will start to have a never-ending duty to do everything that the other adults are required to do in order to achieve healthy aging. But when you accomplish those, you do not congratulate yourself nor clap for a job well done since you sometimes get more exhausted when you fail to manage your stress, making you think that adulting is hard.

If that happens, some people hide and pretend as if they do not have any responsibilities at all. But that could ignite more problems that will eventually lead to a more stressful life.

In order to get those things done, you should free yourself and practice self-care especially when you have an endless to-do list. That way, you will assure healthy aging while allowing yourself to be happy and satisfied. Speaking about self-worth and self-love, what we try to sow inside is something you will reap soon. So if you have been trying to run away from your problems, expect that you will face more difficulties in life, leading to a stressful life.

You should just keep in mind that difficult things always happen since healthy aging means learning something out of all the challenges and setbacks that you have been facing. It is just a matter of how you allow yourself to explore while growing healthy since that is how we can learn more about ourselves and the things that are important to us. We should not spend our lives trying to impress other people since that will just make our stressful life a little harder. Until you choose to do healthy aging tips, you can never be able to free yourself from the fear of taking responsibility.

Ask For Guides and Advice

what to do when Adulting Is Hardholding white braille paper

Adulting is hard only if you refuse to set your pride aside and ask for help. According to a study from Cornell, people tend to underestimate the likelihood that someone will help them with a problem, especially in adulting. But in reality, people also practice healthy aging, and they are willing to help you get rid of stressful life if you know how to ask in the most respectful manner.

It is not a hard thing to do if you can follow the following tips on how you can ask for advice in an accurate way.

Be humble

Most people try to seek advice in a rough, and arrogant way. You should set aside your pride and ask for help genuinely. You do not have to act like you are strong to handle it “but for whatsoever reason you just find it hard to deal with” because there is no such thing as that. You should bear in mind that asking for health proves that you are growing healthy and that you are learning healthy aging positively, and not a sign of weakness whatsoever. We know that you have got a stressful life, and being vulnerable again might make you think that it is not worth it, but it is. You are strong if you will face your emotions and problems now as part of healthy aging.

You should learn to shift your focus to your desire to have a better understanding of adulting. That way, you will find it more effective to ask for help.

Do not only look at the small part of the issue since you will have a tendency to overlook all of it and fail in asking for help. While growing healthy, you should also boost your mental and emotional health since these two always need to come together when you want to ask for help.

Make sure you are asking for help from the right person.

Some people also have a stressful life like you, so making sure that you are asking someone who is currently growing healthy is a must. This way, you will not be putting another weight on their baggage, and you will not share your angst with someone who also needs someone else’s support.

To know if they do not think that adulting is hard, may try asking these:

  • Hey! Is this a good time to talk about something heavy? I need help with a dilemma.
  • When you have time, can we talk about a situation I’m going through? I could really use your advice.
  • Are you open to helping me figure something out? I really don’t know what to do.
  • Do you have some free time to talk about something? I really need some help.

If they open their arms to you, then feel free to be brave and non-hesitantly open up to them.

Avoid Saying Too Much Rant

We know that you just want to vent about your stressful life caused by adulting. But it is not right to continuously throw words and refuse to take note of the other person’s feelings. Remember that you are the first one to reach out, and you want to seek advice, so it is impossible for you to steal the spotlight and interrupt them when they are already giving you help.

You should also be open to whatever advice they are going to give you because it is you who wanted it. Avoid being overly dismissive, and instead of closing them off, just listen to their side and let them speak about what they think about your problem.

While listening, you can practice breathing exercises to calm yourself down. This will also help you be calm enough to ask another question to clarify what they said. You can personally and internally get rid of the parts they said that you think will not help you. The truth is, not every piece of advice you get can even work in your situation, but it does not give you the privilege to criticize people for their advice. Remember that they only speak because you ask for help, and they only speak from their own perspective. If they still cannot answer your worries, let out what you learned in healthy aging and look for another source instead.

Adulting is hard — at first. And it can make you feel infuriated by your stressful life. But it is only a reminder that you are still alive and breathing, so act like you are genuinely growing healthy.

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